Workflow - HighOctaneDriverless/bobcat GitHub Wiki

A) Load new Project

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
$ git clone <LINK from of our project>
(e.g. bobcat:

before starting your work, pull from git so your branch is up to date: (you have to be in the bobcat folder)
/bobcat $ git pull origin dev

every time the source code changes you have to compile again:
~/catkin_ws $ catkin_make

B) Starting Simulators

for starting the simulator we have several launchfiles

  • only simulator:

$ roslaunch bobcat_gazebo long_track.launch
starts the big track in gazebo

  • combined Launchfiles:

$ roslaunch bobcat_launcher

  • for using a joystick run:

$ rosrun joy joy-node

  • starting rviz

(a roscore must be running)
$ rosrun rviz rviz
in rviz you can see the camera data for example

  • obstacle detector

if you want to detect the cones with a lidar for example
$ roslaunch obstacle_detector nodes.launch
now you can add it in rviz

C) Further Information

If you need more information for working with the packages please check the README files in every folder