DVR Entry Model - HighCoder98/TVHpy GitHub Wiki

DVR Entry Model

Name Meaning Data type
uuid UUID of the DVR Entry Model string
start UNIX timestamp for start time integer
start_extra I think that should be the extra time configured for recordings, but this was empty every time integer
start_real UNIX timestamp for the real start time (start time + extra start time configured for recordings) integer
stop UNIX timestamp for stop time integer
stop_extra I think that should be the extra time configured for recordings, but this was empty every time integer
stop_real UNIX timestamp for the real stop time (stop time + extra stop time configured for recordings) integer
duration the duration in seconds integer
channel channel id string
channel_icon url for channel icon string
channelname name of the channel string
title titles in different languages dictionary
disp_title standard title string
subtitle subtitles in different languages dictionary
disp_subtitle standard subtitle string
description descriptions in different languages dictionary
disp_description standard description string
pri I think this should be the priority integer
retention integer
container integer
config_name the id of the recording config string
owner the username of the owner string
creator the username of the creator string
filename the filename of the recording on the disk string
errorcode integer
errors integer
data_errors integer
dvb_eid integer
noresched boolean
autorec string
timerec string
content_type integer
broadcast integer
url the url for downloading over http string
filesize size of the file integer
status status of the recording string
sched_status string
duplicate integer