Navigation - HiStructClient/femcad-doc GitHub Wiki

Fcs.Navigation.Item Properties

Property Name Property Type Description
Name string Internal name of the navigation item.
HumanName string Human-readable name of the item.
HumanNameKey string Key for the human-readable name (localization).
HumanDescription string Description of the item.
HumanDescriptionKey string Key for the description (localization).
Behavior string Defines the behavior of the item.
HelpKey string Help key associated with the item.
ContextPath string Two use cases: context path for scene selection on click event, and it's used for backtrack this item when something is selected in scene.
NavigationUrl string URL for click event.
ValidationTrigger string Trigger path.
ViewName string Name of the view when the item is active.
ViewPvcUpdater string PVC updater values for the view when the item is active.
VisibilityPolicy string Policy for visibility of the item.
ActionsEnabledPolicy string Policy controlling enabled actions.
SubItems NavigationItemValue[] List of sub-navigation items.
Badges NavigationItemValueBadge[] List of badges for the item.

Fcs.Navigation.ItemBadge Properties

Property Name Property Type Description
Name string Internal name of the badge.
HumanName string Human-readable name of the badge.
HumanNameKey string Key for the human-readable name (localization).
HumanDescription string Description of the badge.
HumanDescriptionKey string Key for the description (localization).
ContextPath string Context path for scene selection on click event
NavigationUrl string URL for click event.
ValidationTrigger string Trigger path.
Behavior string Defines the behavior of the badge.
VisibilityPolicy string Policy for visibility of the badge.
ActionsEnabledPolicy string Policy controlling enabled actions for the badge.


(zatím alespoň seznam parametrů)
