How to list evaluated variables in class - HiStructClient/femcad-doc GitHub Wiki

There is a possibility to evaluate and display a variable inside any class. This method can be handy during debugging. To do that, use command prompt or VSCode's terminal.

Open the cmd or terminal in the folder with fcs file that you want to be looking on. Enter path to your fli(w).exe in FemCAD folder followed by --i and the name of examined fcs. The command looks like this:

C:\GitHub\fcs-gsi\Gsi_StorageSystems\_General\Substructure\Optimization>C:\FemCAD\fliw.exe --i SiloStructuralSocket.fcs

While you are in the fcs file, you can load a class or variable by typing cd _varClassName_. To display its value, type space or . A space key shows only the evaluated values, . key calculated all the variables inside the call and shows them.

To move again further into another class, type cd _varClassName_. If you want to get back by one level, you can type cd .. or just ... Note that the evaluation might not work, in that case, try using reload command (there is a space before reload).

Furthermore, there is a possibility to use this tool to debug gclass proxy (not cashed) fli procces. In order to do this, first declare a variable which calls gclass proxy function Fcs.Process.Function followed by .GetInteractiveArgs(), then open the fcs file in cmd/terminal as usual and call the declared variable (dont use cd varName if it doesnt work, instead, use only varName). If everything went well, you should get arguments for opening another fli procces - this one fully readable. Copy the arguments, they should look like this:

--i-proxy-fcs C:\GitHub\fcs-gsi\Gsi_StorageSystems\_General\Substructure\SubstructureSocket\DesignFliRunner.fcs UlsDesignOutput {PassedPvcColection={SectionsIndexes=[0],[0],[4](/HiStructClient/femcad-doc/wiki/0],[0],[4),NominalDiaFt=18, ... ,nl_inEnWindZoneIdx=1}}

Open new cmd/terminal, enter path to fli(w).exe and paste the arguments. Enjoy revealed fli proccess.