Buckling Restraints - HiStructClient/femcad-doc GitHub Wiki
In order to correctly stability checks, every beam has to have Buckling Restraints (res.fit.BbRestraint) defined. Example of a buckling restraints definitons:
mySimpleBeam := res.comp.SimpleBeamClass{
Parts:= [
Section := res.css.HE200A,
Length := 20,
} ],
Lcs := GCS.Tx(LeftExterKneeTop.X).Ty(LeftExterKneeTop.Z).Rz(-ExterLeftK.Angle),
LengthLtb := 10,
BucklingSetup.isDrawingOn := True, # Bucklin restraints will be displayed in FC
BucklingSetup.Restraints := [res.fit.BbRestraint{Type := 3, DeltaX := 0 },
res.fit.BbRestraint{Type := 1, DeltaX := 15 }],
Note that even the beams connected to other beams need Buckling restraints at the start and at the end defined. Parameters of BucklingRestraints are:
Type according to fixed directions:
0.. none,
1.. yy,
2.. zz,
3..both yy and zz.
DeltaX: distance from start of a SimpleBeamClass.
Sign size.