Analysis - HiStructClient/femcad-doc GitHub Wiki

In order to perform FEM analysis, several classes has to be defined. The main class which triggers the FemCAD calculation is AnalysisCase. Meshing properties can be defined in this class. Pay attention to AutoConnect definition (True or False). Example:

AnalysisCase := res.comp.AnalysisCase{ 
   AnalysisClass := BeamModel,              # Model gclass needs to be defined.
   MeshConnect   := ac.MeshConnect{ 
      ConnectRules := Fcs.Mesh.ConnectRules{
        Rules := [ Fcs.Mesh.ConnectRules.ConnectClub{ Entities := Fcs.Assembly.All } ] 
      AutoConnect := True },                                                                
   ResultCase := Fcs.Analysis.ResultCase(Fcs.Action.LoadCase{        # Name of a result case.
      Name := "All ULS-Fundamental" } )   
   ResultCaseSLS := Fcs.Analysis.ResultCase(Fcs.Action.ResultClass{  # Another result case.
      Name = "All SLS quasi permanent" }),
   LoadGroups       := LoadGroups.All,    # LoadGroups need to be defined, see below.
   LoadCases        := LoadCases.All,     # LoadCases  need to be defined, see below.
   LoadCombinations := AllEnvelopes,      # LoadCombinations need to be defined, see below.
   ResultClasses    := rsClass.All   }    # ResultClasses need to be defined, see below.

Critical parameter to AnalysisClass is Model of the structure. Model contains:

Geometry: a gblock of SimpleBeamClasses or similar,
Supports: a gblock with set of res.comp.SupportVertexes or similar,
Loads:    a gblock with set of or similar.

In order to conduct an analysis with load combinations, LoadCases, LoadGroups and ResultClasses the design situations must be defined. See Design situations.

The FEM analysis can be displayed in FemCAD by opening AnalysisCase class. Steps to get working fcs analysis:

  • copy the ../_Common/FcsComponent/AnalysisCase class

  • define the autoconnect parameter and folowing:

     ResultCaseULS    := myClass.AnalysisCase.ResultCase
     ResultCaseSLS    := myClass.AnalysisCase.ResultCaseSLS
     ResultClasses    := myClass.AnalysisCase.ResultClasses   
     LoadGroups       := myClass.AnalysisCase.LoadGroups      
     LoadCases        := myClass.AnalysisCase.LoadCases       
     LoadCombinations := myClass.AnalysisCase.LoadCombinations
  • make sure the model_shell3d line is present at the beggining of script

  • open in FemCad

  • right click and select RefreshLoadCases

  • click on LinearStatic (FEM analysis is conducted, factorization check displayed)

  • play with the View tree:

    • Results -> LoadScale
    • Results -> DeformationScale
    • mech_beams -> ResultValue
    • mech_beams -> Graph (visibility, scale, colours, transparency, graphNormal etc).
    • mech_planes -> Visible, ResultValue
    • View->Pallete ...