Testing with postman - Heyloyalty/api GitHub Wiki

Postman is a chrome extension you can get from the chrome web store, the app can be used to make request and test api's

Get Postman

Our postman collecton: https://www.getpostman.com/collections/c3f1dacfadd85fccf7a7

Postman quickstart

  1. click on collections and chose import from url
  2. paste our postman collection url.
  3. click on manage environments and "add" one
  4. give your environment a name and key/value pair, key should be "domain" and value should be the url "https://api.heyloyalty.com/loyalty/v1"
  5. add another key/value pair to your environment this should be key = username and value should be the apikey
  6. add another key/value pair, key = password and value is the hashed secret key
  7. now just add the timestamp to the manage presets with key = timestamp and value should be the timestamp

Now you should be able to test all our endpoints :)