Productfeed mapping - Heyloyalty/api GitHub Wiki

List productfeeds

Lists productfeed mapping from an productfeed id.

GET /integrations/productfeed-mapping/{id}


Status: 200 OK

    "product_feed_id": "5",
    "feed_type": "json",
    "url": "product_url",
    "originalPrice ": "orig_price",
    "salePrice": "sale_price",
    "discount": "discount",
    "description": "desciption",
    "imageUrl": "img_url",
    "currency": "valuta",
    "categoryName": "catName",
    "categoryId": "catId",
    "inStock": "stock",
    "customField1": "",
    "customField2": "",
    "customField3": "",
    "customField4": "",
    "customField5": "",
    "created_at": "2015-02-18 09:49:15",
    "updated_at": "2015-02-18 10:57:15"

Create an productfeed mapping

Adds a new productfeed

POST /integrations/productfeed-mapping


Name Description Type Required
product_feed_id int x
feed_type string x
search_field string x
productId int x
name string x
url string
originalPrice string
salePrice string
discount string
description string
imageUrl string
currency string
categoryName string
categoryId string
inStock string
customField1 string
customField2 string
customField3 string
customField4 string
customField5 string


Returns the id of the newly created productfeed mapping.

Status: 201 Created


Edit an productfeed mapping

Updates an productfeed mapping with an productfeed mapping id

PUT /integrations/productfeed-mapping/{id}


The same parameters as Create productfeed applies.


Status: 204 No Content

The method does not return anything on success.

Delete an productfeed mapping

The mapping is only deleted when you delete an producfeed