Examples - HewlettPackard/python-ilorest-library GitHub Wiki

The Rest and Redfish folders contain a few examples for performing different iLO tasks using legacy RESTful API and Redfish API respectively. The examples in this page are legacy RESTful examples and are very similar to their Redfish equivalents. The HPE RESTful API 1.x expresses the root Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) protocol version as “/rest/v1”. Redfish 1.0 expresses the starting URI as “/redfish/v1/”.

Redfish changes the linking between resources, for example “href” is renamed to “@odata.id”. For more information about Redfish implementation click here.

The following examples can all be used as guidance for managing iLO using iLO RESTful API.

These examples use _restobject.py and _redfishobject.py, simple example clients for Rest/Redfish, to complete their operations. In order for the examples to run properly these files need to be placed in the same directory as the examples you are running.


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