Get HPOVAvailableDriveType - HewlettPackard/POSH-HPEOneView GitHub Wiki

HPE OneView 4.10 Library


Return a collection of available D3940 disks.


Get-HPOVAvailableDriveType [-InputObject] <Object>[ [-ApplianceConnection] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

This helper CMDLET will return a collection of available disk drives from a specified SAS Logical Interconnect or Drive Enclosure. The object can then be used to define the drive selection criteria for New-HPOVServerProfileLogicalDisk using the -AvailableDriveType parameter.


-ApplianceConnection <Object>

Aliases [-appliance] The name of the appliance or list of appliances to execute the command against.

Aliases Appliance
Required? false
Position? named
Default value (${Global:ConnectedSessions} | ? Default)
Accept pipeline input? true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-InputObject <Object>

A SAS Logical Interconnect or D3940 Drive Enclosure resource. If providing a SAS Logical Interconnect, the Cmdlet will automatically locate the available drive enclosures.

Aliases None
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters?    False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters (

Input Types


A SAS Logical Interconnect resource from Get-HPOVSasLogicalInterconnect Cmdlet.


A D3940 Drive Enclosure from Get-HPOVSasLogicalInterconnect Cmdlet.

Return Values


A disk type object that defines available quantity of drives based on interface, media type and capacity, organized by SAS Logical Interconnect.


 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

Get-HPOVSasLogicalInterconnect | Get-HPOVAvailableDriveType

Return all available disk drives from all SAS Logical Interconnects.

 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

Get-HPOVSasLogicalInterconnect -Name "LE1-Default SAS Synergy LIG-3" -ErrorAction Stop | Get-HPOVAvailableDriveType

Return all available disk drives from the specific SAS Logical Interconnect.

 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------

Get-HPOVDriveEnclosure -Name "EnclosureName, Bay 1" -ErrorAction Stop | Get-HPOVAvailableDriveType

Return all available disk drives from the specific D3940 Drive Enclosure.

Related Links


HPE OneView 4.00 Library


Return a collection of available D3940 disks.


Get-HPOVAvailableDriveType [-InputObject] <Object>[ [-ApplianceConnection] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

This helper CMDLET will return a collection of available disk drives from a specified SAS Logical Interconnect or Drive Enclosure. The object can then be used to define the drive selection criteria for New-HPOVServerProfileLogicalDisk using the -AvailableDriveType parameter.


-ApplianceConnection <Object>

Aliases [-appliance] The name of the appliance or list of appliances to execute the command against.

Aliases Appliance
Required? false
Position? named
Default value (${Global:ConnectedSessions} | ? Default)
Accept pipeline input? true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-InputObject <Object>

A SAS Logical Interconnect or D3940 Drive Enclosure resource. If providing a SAS Logical Interconnect, the Cmdlet will automatically locate the available drive enclosures.

Aliases None
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters?    False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters (

Input Types


A SAS Logical Interconnect resource from Get-HPOVSasLogicalInterconnect Cmdlet.


A D3940 Drive Enclosure from Get-HPOVSasLogicalInterconnect Cmdlet.

Return Values


A disk type object that defines available quantity of drives based on interface, media type and capacity, organized by SAS Logical Interconnect.


 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

Get-HPOVSasLogicalInterconnect | Get-HPOVAvailableDriveType

Return all available disk drives from all SAS Logical Interconnects.

 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

Get-HPOVSasLogicalInterconnect -Name 'LE1-Default SAS Synergy LIG-3' -ErrorAction Stop | Get-HPOVAvailableDriveType

Return all available disk drives from the specific SAS Logical Interconnect.

 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------

Get-HPOVDriveEnclosure -Name 'EnclosureName, Bay 1' -ErrorAction Stop | Get-HPOVAvailableDriveType

Return all available disk drives from the specific D3940 Drive Enclosure.

Related Links

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