Commands - Hetag1216/AreaReloader GitHub Wiki


  • Shows plugin's help lines

/ar help <Command>

  • Shows general help or specific help when a command is specified

/ar version - Shows the current plugin's version

  • Shows the current plugin's version

/ar create <AreaName>

  • Creates a new copy of the selected area

/ar load <AreaName>

  • Loads an existing area

/ar delete <AreaName>

  • Deletes an existing area

/ar list

  • Lists all existing areas

/ar hook

  • Shows a help interface for the plugin's hooks and dependencies

/ar info

  • Shows information about a specific existing area

/ar reload

  • Reloads AreaReloader's configuration file

/ar display <AreaName>

  • Displays particles around an area

/ar cancel <AreaName | ALL>

  • Stops the area loading for the specified area or all areas.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️