Printing the case ONE - HestiaPi/hestia-touch-openhab GitHub Wiki

Printing the case really depends on your own printer but here are some basic guidelines that you can adjust accordingly. The power supply for HVAC - US is too high but because we use the same design for both US and EU models, you would need to clip off one of the 3 LCD hooks. Facing the cover from the outside, cut the bottom left hook. Doesn't need to be flush.


Download the latest (set of 2) .STL files (BaseONE*.stl and CoverONE*.stl).


Choose a filament that stays rigid enough in the max temperature your house may reach on a hot Summer day without the AC on :)

We use nGen filament for this reason but also because it prints easily and reliably. Check the same download page for printing instructions and tips.