Printing the case - HestiaPi/hestia-touch-openhab GitHub Wiki

Printing the case really depends on your own printer but here are some basic guidelines that you can adjust accordingly.


Download the latest set of .STL files from our here.


Choose a filament that stays rigid enough in the max temperature your house may reach on a hot Summer day without the AC on :)

We use nGen filament for this reason but also because it prints easily and reliably.


Layer Height 0.2 mm

Wall Thickness 1.5 mm

Top Thickness 1 mm

Bottom Thickness 1 mm

Cover specific settings

Orientation: Print with face down

Generate Support CHECKED

Support Placement Touching Buildplate

Support Overhang Angle 60° (to avoid supporting chamfers)

Base specific settings

Orientation: Print with wall side down

Generate Support UNCHECKED