HestiaPi Touch ONE Soldering Guide - HestiaPi/hestia-touch-openhab GitHub Wiki


This guide describes the steps required to solder and assemble HestiaPi Touch ONE from parts.

Assembly with the case and wall is not covered here.


HestiaPi ONE - Soldering Guide

Hints and tips

The LCD needs to be connected before powering HestiaPi as it initialises on boot only (otherwise it looks blank-white and touch events do not register) and it may also cause a freeze or reboot due to power spike.

If you cannot control mains, that is having it off during all the time of installation, our advise is to leave the SD card and LCD out, connect all wires, partly (not fully) insert the SD and finish off case installation with the LCD attached to the cover.

Once all is done, from outside of the case, push first the SD all the way in (it does not lock-click in place) and then insert a non-metallic tool and press the reset button from the right side. HestiaPi will boot and in about 10-15sec the LCD will show some of the boot messages.

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