Easy remote access - HestiaPi/hestia-touch-openhab GitHub Wiki

All latest releases of HestiaPi offer very easy remote access to your home without touching your network modem/router or even knowing HestiaPi's IP! Does not depend on port forwarding or DynDNS! Woohooo!

Please note that this is an externally hosted service not controlled by you or us but by OpenHAB itself.

Instructions video (if you prefer video to text)

To activate it (shipped disabled by default for obvious reasons) go to http://[YOUR-HESTIAPI-IP]:8080/paperui and select Add-ons > MISC and make sure “openHAB Cloud Connector” is installed.

Once installed SSH into your HestiaPi (username: pi and password: hestia) and type:

cat /var/lib/openhab2/uuid

copy the output somewhere. Then type:

cat /var/lib/openhab2/openhabcloud/secret

copy this output too. Reboot your HestiaPi

sudo reboot

Then go to https://myopenhab.org and create an account using your details and the above information (UUID and secret).

You can now access your HestiaPi Touch from a browser or your mobile app

Hint: Enter “https://myopenhab.org” as a remote url and your myopenHAB account username and password as credentials