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	new Puppets(); //instantiate Puppets
        Puppets.component("position2d", function(data, entity){
              return {x : data.x || 0, y : data.y || 0 };
        });//add component position2d;

        Puppets.system("moveRight", function(position2d){
              position2d.x += 10;
        }, {components : ["position2d"]});//add system moveRight to Puppets systemList

        Puppets.entity("moverEntity", {components : ["position2d"]});
        /*add moverEntity model to entities models list of Puppets*/

        Puppets.createEntity("moverEntity", {position2d : { x : 10}});
        /* create an entity with moverEntity model. So the entity has a position2d component like :
           { x : 10, y : 0 }

        }, 1000);
        /* each second, Puppets plays its system list. So each second, the position2d of our entity will       
           change. */