CLI - Hertox82/lt-pm GitHub Wiki


Actually there is a CLI that pack, delete pack, install and uninstall a Plugin

 Usage: ltpm [options] [command]


    -V, --version  output the version number
    -h, --help     output usage information


    init                this command initialize ltpm.config.json
    package <pack>      this command is to package a plugin
    delpack <pack>      this command is to delete package a plugin
    install <pack>      this command is to install a plugin
    uninstall <pack>    this command is to uninstall a plugin
    latest              this command return all latest package inside of repo folder
    latest-template     this command return all latest templates inside of repo folder
    latest-plugin       this command return all latest plugins insde of repo folder
    package-t <pack>    this command is to package a template
    deltemp <pack>      this command is to delete packed template
    install-t <pack>    this command is to install a template
    uninstall-t <pack>  this command is to uninstall a template
    activate-t <pack>   this command is to activate a template
    deactivate-t <pack> this command is to deactivate a template
    test                this command is only for testing process.cwd()

Configuration file

In order to use the ltpm CLI you have to create a ltpm.config.json into the root folder:

Create ltpm.config.json

You type this command on root folder

ltpm init

and the CLI provide for you to create the ltpm.config.json. The file will be empty like this:

    "cwd" : "",
    "depl": "",
    "repo": ""

remember to fill the option:

cwd : this is a folder where are located the source code for Plugin,

depl : this is a folder where are located the deployed Plugin,

repo : this is a folder where are located the compressed Plugin,

plugins : When you will install a Plugin, in this place you can find the Config of that Plugin,

template : When you will install a Template, in this place you can find the configuration of that template

Now you able to type all command

ltpm <command> <packeFileName>

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