Standup 9 10 - Herson100/ProjectOne GitHub Wiki

what have we done

  • Vi has created a branch in git hub and has populated his visualforce page with shopping cart data
  • Sushi realized his mistake and managed to implement form for capturing input
  • Andrew got further progress on his page, contains delivery time, address,
  • Joe adding functionality to page, customizability, added
  • Josh figured out how to use the experienced side, can use standard a controller using triggers, made progress with page and controller


  • Vi will continue working on the page to display a user checkout data (USER FROM SYSTEM)(working with josh and joe)
  • Sushi finishing up the page
  • Andrew will format the table to look nicer, working on asynchronus
  • Joe wants to add image to the page and show toppings to be like preview of pizza and will be working with Vi to link the page
  • Josh is going to finish up his page and pushed changes to github


  • Sushil dont know how to upload files and images datatype is not helpping him