Review 9 9 - Herson100/ProjectOne GitHub Wiki

System Classes and Asynchronous Apex

List the 3 major System namespace classes and their use:

  • Schema- Gives information about any sOjbects and fields
  • database- Dynamic SOQL, and DML operations with all-or-nothing turned off
  • Limits- tool that track governor limits

How is dynamic apex achieved?

  • designing the code to be able to take any input without breaking

List the asynchronous apex options and when they should be used:

  • @future- allows the methods to callout and can't be chained
  • Queuable Apex- can take complex parameters can be chained
  • Schedulable Apex- run apex at specific point in time
  • Batchable Apex- working with large amount of records 50 million items if needed