Notes IMPORTANT - Herrscherr0Z/SYS255 GitHub Wiki

Command TOP is a interactive and live view

Ctrl + C will terminate the running process

Ctrl + Z will pause a process

Jobs command will show you listed running/paused processes

%1 will bring the first job to the foreground (will continue the stopped process essentially)

%x x = the number of the job

Make sure you're always saving periodically when scripting and try not to click ctrl + Z if anything, to solve this press %1 or fg

cd / is the root of the file system cd ~/ = home directory

ls -lrt

the boot/ directory is what linux reads to boot linux be careful in that directory and what you edit in there.

dev/ directory is where all the devices are stored

df -h is a more human readable command to view your file system

ls etc/ directory is where your config files are stored

etc/shadow is where your passwords are stored and only is read by root - dont mess with it

lib/ is where your library are stored, if yu deleted the worng library youre system is froze

usr/ directory contains your binaries (the windows equivalent would be the system32 directory)

proc/ would be any details from your OS stored under proc/

command which tells you where a file is being executed

tmp/ is where temporary files are stored, when you reboot they will be deleted

Example: tmp/ relative path (usually typed when you're in the previous directory so its easily accessed) /tmp/ absolute path (you would type the whole directory out)

cd~/ will take you to the root of your home directory

webmin is a GUI version that you can do everything within the last few weeks in a Graphical user interface format

there is also usermin which is for users

file command will tell you the mind type or the type of file in your system.