Lab 06 Windows Server Core - Herrscherr0Z/SYS255 GitHub Wiki

In this lab we played around with Windows Server Core with is essentially a command line version that can do everything hat server manager can do.

Here's the quick command steps and explanation to set it up!

Set network settings to this:

  • hostname = AD02-LeonMejia
  • Domain = joshua.local (FQDN = AD02.yourdomain.local)
  • IP =
  • netmask =
  • gateway =
  • DNS = (or

Type in Powershell and then the following commands:

Install-WindowsFeature -Name AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools

Then run Get-Command -Module ADDSDeployment to view the cmdlets

Then prompt the server to a domain controller:

Install-ADDSDomainController -InstallDns -Credential (Get-Credential YOURDOMAIN\Administrator) -DomainName yourdomain.local -SafeModeAdministratorPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "SUPERSECRETPASSWORD" -Force)

Then press Y or Enter

“Get-credential YOURDOMAIN\Administrator” will popup a box for you to enter your existing Administrator Domain credentials. "ConvertTo-SecureString" will take the plaintext password and convert it to the proper hash to store on Windows. The password will not be stored after the reboot.

After reboot run sconfig

Within sconfig, set the Date and Time to be on Eastern Standard Time

Exit sconfig, run powershell then type the following:

Set-DnsClientServerAddress –InterfaceAlias Ethernet0 -ServerAddresses (The cmdlet will set the local AD02 server to use itself for DNS queries)

Update DHCP

Switch over to dhcp01 Edit the dhcpd.conf file and add to the line

option domain-name-servers,; (should look like this now)

Update Time on ad01

  1. Login to ad01 and set the Date and Time to Eastern Standard Time
  2. Shutdown ad01, which will test that ad02 can join computers to the domain
  3. You have a new workstation named wks02. Change the hostname to wks02-lastname and join it to the domain

Use RSAT to manage Active Directory

  1. On wks02, click on the magnifying glass and type:

Check for updates

Click on the “Check for Updates” option and download any available updates and you will need to restart the workstation.

  1. When it restarts, Open a browser and browse to:

Download the update with the “1803” in the file name.

  1. Install the RSAT tool. The RSAT tool will allow you to administer your ad01 and ad02 from wks02 so you will not need to login to your domain controllers.

4. Power on ad01.

  1. Switch back to wks02. Click on the magnifying glass and search for:

    Server Manager

    And click on the icon

  2. Right-click on “All Servers” and select “Add Server.”

  3. In the box “Name (CN)” type in the hostname for your ad01 and click “Find Now.”

  4. It should appear in the box below. Click on it and click the arrow so it is within the “Selected” window.

  5. Repeat those steps for ad02, be sure to type in the hostname you provided it.

  6. Then click OK once those are both in the “Selected” box.

  7. If you see a red box with an error, close it.

  8. The steps provided now allow you the opportunity to administer the servers remotely without having to login to the domain controllers.

  9. Right-click on each one and select “Manage as…” and provide a user with Domain administrator credentials. Read the pop-up message so that you type in the credentials properly.

  10. When done, right-click on each one and notice you have access to each servers group policies, DNS Server manager, and Active Directory Users and Computers.

  11. See if you can find wks02 on ad01 in the Computers by right-clicking on ad01 and selecting “Active Directory Users and Computers.”

  12. Create a new user within the Active Directory Users and Computers console. After you create the account, check the “Active Directory Users and Computers” console on ad02. Do you see the new account? That is AD replication. When a change is made to one domain controller, the change is automatically replicated to the other domain controllers.