Lab 04 DHCP set up - Herrscherr0Z/SYS255 GitHub Wiki

In this lab we had to install DHCP services. In order to begin we had to SSH from Wks01 to DHCP01.

Download PuTTY (

  • When downloaded, set the hostname to dhcp01-joshua and the session as well, then click save, then open and we should be connected

  • for elevated command use "sudo" or to keep it permanent "sudo -i"

Now we begin to install the dhcp services via the sudo yum install dhcp command

Throughout the lab we had to edit a config file and then start up our dhcp services.

  • To start dhcp: systemctl start dhcpd

After this we had to configure the Firewall to allow incoming DHCP requests.

The following were used to complete this step

  • firewall-cmd --list-all
  • firewall-cmd --add-service=dhcp --permanent
  • firewall-cmd --reload
  • firewall-cmd --list-all

When finished we typed exit until it closed the application thus terminating the SSH connection. Finally we can test the connection by heading into our network adapter properties and setting it to automatically obtain an IP address. (documentation of this lab can be found here:

And we can verify that everything is connected through the following documentation:
