Lab 03 Intro to Linux - Herrscherr0Z/SYS255 GitHub Wiki

In this lab we went over our introduction to linux. In the beginning of this lab I was very conflicted with what I had to do in order to continue the steps, I had to restart my password as an example. In this lab we had to set up our dhcp server thankfully there was a video that helped us with setting up the default settings for the dhcp server such as IP address, DNS etc. (

After setting up the default settings we had to add a privileged user via the following command

  • useradd -mk /etc/skel -s /bin/bash -d /home/joshua -G wheel joshua (or jleon)

The following are commands that were used but broken down and explained.

*useradd: Program to add new users

*-mk /etc/skel: Copy the contents of the directory /etc/skel to the new user's home directory.

*-s /bin/bash: The shell for the user. The “shell” is equivalent to “cmd.exe” on Windows.

*-d /home/ddunston: The home directory to create for the user.

*-G wheel: Add the user ddunston to the group “wheel” during account creation. By default, on CentOS, a user in the “wheel” group is a local admin because they have privileges to use sudo

*joshua: the username for the new account

To change the password for the user run

passwd joshua (<- the username)

After adding the new user we had to run a series of commands that helped us become more familiar with the linux command line. (Can be viewed here:

More Commands

*df (type: df -h to see disk utilization. Take note of the Size, Used, Use% and Mount on columns.)

*free: This command will display information about the memory

*w: Shows who is logged on and what they are doing.

*man df: Displays user manual about anything related to disk storage (man is user manual (new BFF) & df is to check disk space) and to quit press "q"