Lab 01 Environment Setup (SYS255) - Herrscherr0Z/SYS255 GitHub Wiki

In this lab I have learned a ton about to begin building a small enterprise network. In this lab we had to use a service named vcenter which had allowed us to take control of four different virtual machines, which out of four only two were needed for this lab, the firewall (fw01) and the virtual windows machine(wks01). The first step we had to do was modify the settings for fw01 and wks01 so that they would be able to connect after configurations within the virtual machines. Afterwards we had to power on fw01 and begin to assign the interfaces that were configured and make sure they would match within the firewall, the easy way of identifying where each had to be placed were through each of their MAC addresses. Alongside this we had to configure the upstream gateway for the WAN which was and for the LAN IP it had to be . After this step we move into changing the network adapter for the windows VM to then powering it on to configure our new local admin accounts. Once completed we ran a quick "whoami" command throughout the command line which results in giving you your local administrator name and "hostname" command which would be self explanatory. After this step, we had to set up the IPv4 properties to match with what we had set within our firewall, however we end up with no internet afterwards thus having to move back to the firewall. Ultimately, we started up a web browser ad entered fw01's LAN IP to enter something called pfsense which had allowed us to remotely configure the firewalls properties from within the virtual machine. Within this we had to complete a set up Wizard which needed the hostname (fw1 joshua.leonmejia), the domain (joshua.local), and the primary DNS ( Afterwards we had o set up the WAN Interface and lastly set a password for the System.