Configuration - Heroj04/HeroBot GitHub Wiki

The Configuration file config.json is a standard JSON formatted file.

Property Type Description
botToken String The Bot Token Found on the bot tab of the Discord Application Webpage, used for logging in.
statusText String The text displayed under the user in the status section.
ownerID Array String An Array of String containing the IDs of Owners who have full permissions always.
testGuild String The ID of a guild used for testing (Slash Commands take a while to propogate but commands registered to a guild are instant)
debugLevel Number The debug Level of the bots console, (i.e., Only Info, Warning or Error Messages)
intervalFunctionTime Number The time in ms that module interval functions will be run.
fileHost Object An object containing configuration setting for file hosts.
fileHost.method String What type of file host to use. Available choices are Imgur, Jirafeau, Local and GoFile
fileHost.formParts Object Any additional formParts to add to the request, each key and value are copied as is.
fileHost.headers Object Any additional headers to add to the request, each key and value are copied as is.
fileHost.URL String Function depending on method. The Jirafeau instance base URL. The URL prefix for local hosting.
fileHost.path String The path where image files are written to. Be sure to include the trailing slash