SteamDeck Flatpak - Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher GitHub Wiki

SteamDeck And Linux Flatpak guide


It is intended to install and configure games from desktop mode only. Running heroic itself through GameMode is not supported and you may encounter issues doing so.

The proper way to use Heroic with the Steam Deck is to open heroic in desktop mode, install and update games from there. You may need to play games at least once in desk top mode to confirm that they are functioning properly and in the case where a game requires user interaction on first launch, such as associating your epic account with the game via a web browser pop up.

Once a game is installed, you can add it to steam through the 3 dot menu on the game page, or by selecting "auto add to steam" from the heroic settings on the side bar.

Install on SteamDeck with flatpak (recommended):

  1. Go to Desktop mode.
  2. Open the app store (Discover).
  3. Search for "Heroic".
  4. There should be a result for Heroic Games Launcher. Click install.
  5. You should now be able to launch Heroic like any other application on your Steam Deck!

If you wish to, you can also make use of a tool called Heroic Bash Launcher to launch games directly by following this guide.

Give permissions to SD Card, other partitions, external drives, etc.

Due to Flatpak's nature that uses containarization to bring more security to the system while limiting permissions to several system's features and folders. It is necessary to use a third-party tool to give extra permissions to Heroic. In this case we will need to install Flatseal from the Discover or another Linux Store that you use.

  1. Search for and install Flatseal on your Store, Discover on SteamDeck. image
  2. Open Flatseal and Search for Heroic Games Launcher: image
  3. Looks for the Filesystem section and add the folders you need to access it like on the image above.
  4. Restart Heroic.

Mangohud doesn't work

Check if you have installed the flatpak version of Mangodhud: flatpak install org.freedesktop.Platform.VulkanLayer.MangoHud

gamescope not available

Check if you have installed the flatpak version of gamescope: flatpak install org.freedesktop.Platform.VulkanLayer.gamescope