Adding Games to Steam on Linux - Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher GitHub Wiki

How to add your Heroic library to Steam?

If you're facing problems in launching your Heroic games on Steam, you can take a look at Heroic Bash Launcher.

What is Heroic Bash Launcher?

Heroic Bash Launcher is a tool that helps launch your Heroic Games library directly from the terminal or any game manager/launcher.

It automatically creates launch scripts for each installed game. Each launch script includes the entire launch command (including cloud save syncing) of a game. Yes, it's the same launch command you see when you run heroic from the terminal and launch a game.

Adding your games to Steam

Steam Deck/Flatpak user? Follow this guide instead.


Once you've run the script, the AddToSteam bash script will be generated that helps sync your Heroic library to Steam. It basically displays a list of installed games and lets you choose games to be added to Steam.

Once a game is selected the game's launch script will be added as a Non-Steam game, and the relevant artwork will also be downloaded.

Adding Manually

If you're facing issues or prefer to add games manually, open Steam and add a game's launch script (located in GameFiles directory) as a Non-Steam game by performing the following steps:

  1. Go to LIBRARY
  2. Click ADD A GAME
  3. Select Add a Non-Steam Game from the options
  4. Select BROWSE on the new window that appears
  5. For File Type, make sure to choose All Files
  6. Navigate to path/to/HeroicBashLauncher/GameFiles and choose the game's launch file
  7. If you want to add more games, repeat steps 4-6
  8. Finally, click on ADD SELECTED PROGRAMS

You're all setup!