Sending_Messages - HerobrinesArmy/ChatInterfaces GitHub Wiki

Posting messages to chat is done through HTTP requests to It is important to not that the server will refuse to post the message if you are not also receiving messages (this was done to prevent logged out posting).

Request Parameters

"c": This is the number of the chat room which you would like to get messages from. The meeting room is "3" and the main chat is "8613406"

"o": This is message posting mode. It should ALWAYS be 1 if you actually want something useful to happen.

"m": This is the urlencoded message string.

Remember to send your cookie with every request, or the server will not accept the message

Example Using Curl

curl $PROXY -m 60 -L -b cookie -c cookie ""

"-m 60" means to set a 60 second timeout

"-L" means to follow redirects

"c=8613406" means to post to the main chat room

"m=This%20is%20a%20message." means to post the message "This is a message."