Persistence - Herbiie/ITC-Air-Land-Battle GitHub Wiki

Air Land Battle has advanced BluFor persistence. All players loadouts and positions will persist, as will their allyness points. Blufor vehicles will have their positions and loadouts saved, their inventories will be saved, their fuel and any damage that they have taken. Supply boxes at bases will also be saved. The security situations at different towns will be saved, as will the number of deployment points available.

How to use persistence?

Using persistence is simple. For your first game, make sure that the parameter 'Load Previous Session' is set to 'No'. If you forget and there is no save game, then the mission will start afresh anyway.

Mission Save

Saving the mission saves bases, towns, vehicles, deployment points etc. Only the commander can save the mission.

All inventories, including vehicles, players, supply boxes (and backpacks within each of these) will also be saved.

The commander does this by selecting either the Mission Save or the Mission Save and Exit options under Commander Options in ACE self-interaction. Mission saving is very server-heavy, so the Mission Save option should only be used if all players are ready.

Player Save and Exit

Player should exit using the Player Save and Exit option under ACE self interact, ALB Options. This will save the player's location, loadout, direction and score.

If the last player saves and exit, the mission will do a Mission Save and Exit.