Comm Protocol v0 - HerbiHub/power-box GitHub Wiki

Version 0.1.0

WORK IN PROGRESS! Much of this page is currently invalid.

Device Protocol

Scratch Pad & Ideas

What if we embedded a version of commands into each string?

eg: 1,<DEST>,<SOURCE>,... would mean version 1 of the command spec. Devices could ignore command version they do not understand, and fall-back to older versions.


If a slave goes more than 10 seconds without a command, it shall return to Reset Mode and wait communication from the master.



Most basic communication mode. Slow baud rate, wait for orders from Master.

Address Echo

Wait a psudo-random amount of time, and echo it's own address on it's current baud (generally minimum).


Increase Baud to setting given by host (or closest it can reach).

Data Types


This is a work in progress!

4 characters representing the address of a given device. Letters and numbers are valid in the address. Special characters may be used in some circumstances.

Good Examples:

  • 1234
  • A43F
  • ZZZZ

Bad Examples:

  • 12345 (5 Characters long)
  • AF&A (& is not a valid character)

Address Special Cases

There are a few special case addresses.

Master Host: 0000

While a host may also have a valid address, 0000 is always the host on a given network.

All Devices: ****

All devices on the network will listen to and follow this command. Often no response is given (lest chaos begin!)

No Device: ----

No device should listen to this command. Used as a NOOP or a test.


Quick Summary

* Factory Reset
* Get/Say Firmware Version
* Get/Say Profile (Give add settings)
* Get/Set/Say/Clear Address
* Get/Set/Say/Clear Baud Rate
* Get/Set/Say/Clear Config Value
* Get/Set/Say/Clear Dimmer Value
* Get/Set/Say/Clear Ident Channel (Channel switches from 0-100 every 1 second)
* Get/Set/Say/Clear RTC Value
* Get/Set/Say/Clear Sensor Setting
* Get/Set/Say/Clear Switch Setting
* Ident (Blink to find)
* Keep Alive (Do nothing, respond)
* NOOP (Do nothing, do not respond)
* Reset
* Status Code (ACK,NACK,ERROR,etc)


* Factory Reset
* Get/Say Firmware Version
* Get/Say Profile (Give add settings)
* Get/Set/Say/Clear Address
* Get/Set/Say/Clear Config Value
* Get/Set/Say/Clear Ident Channel (Channel switches from 0-100 every 1 second)
* Ident (Blink to find)
* Keep Alive (Do nothing, respond)
* NOOP (Do nothing, do not respond)
* Reset

Basic Structure

Each command (from Master>Slave, or Slave>Master) will follow a basic overall structure.


: Version of command defition in use (Hex number).

: The destination address on the bus. Slaves not matching this will ignore the command.

: Source of the command, used by the MAster to confirm who dispatched the command.

: String indicating what command is being issued.

: (Optional) Subcommand (eg: SET, CLEAR, GET, SAY...).

<ARGUMENTS...>: (Optional) Series of comma seperated arguments defined by each command.

: ASCII hex of the CRC checksum of the preceding string (Including , characters!). If incorrect, the command is ignored.

\n: All commands are terminated by a \n. A timeout can occur if a command is missing this \n

Status Code

Used to acknowledge a command as recieved. Will embed the status of the response.

This command is only used when a logical "SAY" verb, or other response. Some commands do not result in any response.



1: Version 1 of command protocol.

: The destination address on the bus. Slaves not matching this will ignore the command.

: Source of the command, used by the MAster to confirm who dispatched the command.

STATUS: Status noun, this message is a response to a previous command.

<STATUS_CODE>: Status code of the response. Can be varried. In general, these follow the http status code spec.

* 100: Continue. Ready for mode data. 
* 200: OK (Generic response of success.
* 400: Bad Request.
* 401: Not Authorized.
* 402: Payment required.
* 404: Not Found.
* 405: Not Allowed.
* 418: I'm a Teapot.
* 429: Too Many Requests.
* 500: Internal Server Error.

<CRC_OLD>: CRC of the command this is a response to.

: Hex digit CRC of all preceding ASCII chars. Not listed in this example.

\n: Termination character.




None (This is alread a response!)


Host may respond with other commands based on this success.

Set Baud Rate



1: Version 1 of command protocol.

: The destination address on the bus. Slaves not matching this will ignore the command.

: Source of the command, used by the MAster to confirm who dispatched the command.

BAUD: Command noun, Baud Rate.

SET: Command verb, set the Baud Rate.

: Baud rate setting (Given in whole numbered bps).

: Hex digit CRC of all preceding ASCII chars. Not listed in this example.

\n: Termination character.




Status message with result of command.


Device changes in UART connection to match the Baud rate after responding with status message.

Get Baud Rate



: The destination address on the bus. Slaves not matching this will ignore the command.

: Source of the command, used by the MAster to confirm who dispatched the command.

BAUD: Command noun, Baud Rate.

SET: Command verb, get the Baud Rate.

: Hex digit CRC of all preceding ASCII chars. Not listed in this example.

\n: Termination character.




Baud Say




Set Dimmer Value



: The destination address on the bus. Slaves not matching this will ignore the command.

: Source of the command, used by the MAster to confirm who dispatched the command.

DIMMER: Command noun, Dimmer channel settings.

SET: Command verb, get the Baud Rate.

: Channel selection to apply dimmer value to.

: Single int (0-255) setting to set. Device will, in general, attempt to map 0-255 between settings available to it. Due to limitations of the end device, any given single increase/decrease to a setting may not result in behavior changes in the output.

<>: Hex digit CRC of all preceding ASCII chars. Not listed in this example.

\n: Termination character.




Device changes given dimmer value immediately.

Get Dimmer Value



: The destination address on the bus. Slaves not matching this will ignore the command.

: Source of the command, used by the MAster to confirm who dispatched the command.

DIMMER: Command to retrieve dimmer value from device channel.

GET: Command verb, get the dimmer setting.

: Single digit (0-9) channel selection to retrieve dimmer value from.

: Hex digit CRC of all preceding ASCII chars. Not listed in this example.

\n: Termination character.




Set Switch Value


: The destination address on the bus. Slaves not matching this will ignore the command.

: Source of the command, used by the MAster to confirm who dispatched the command.

SWITCH: Command to set switch value on device channel.

SET: Command verb, set the swtich setting.

: Single digit (0-9) channel selection to apply switch value to.

: Single int (0,1) setting to set. 0 for off, 1 for on.

<>: Hex digit CRC of all preceding ASCII chars. Not listed in this example.

\n: Termination character.




Get Switch Value


: The destination address on the bus. Slaves not matching this will ignore the command.

: Source of the command, used by the MAster to confirm who dispatched the command.

SWITCH?: Command to retrieve switch value from device channel.

: Single digit (0-9) channel selection to retrieve switch value from.

: Hex digit CRC of all preceding ASCII chars. Not listed in this example.

\n: Termination character.






: The destination address on the bus. Slaves not matching this will ignore the command.

: Source of the command, used by the MAster to confirm who dispatched the command.

RTC: Command to set real time clock value.

: Current year (4 digits)

: Current month (2 digits)

: Current day (2 digits)

: Current hour, in 24 hour time (2 digits)

: Current minute (2 digits)

: Current second (2 digits)

: Current milliseconds (3 digits)

: Single int (0,1) setting to set. 0 for off, 1 for on.

<>: Hex digit CRC of all preceding ASCII chars. Not listed in this example.

\n: Termination character.




Get RTC Value


: The destination address on the bus. Slaves not matching this will ignore the command.

: Source of the command, used by the MAster to confirm who dispatched the command.

RTC?: Command to retrieve current RTC values from device. Note Due to timing limitations, RTC values may not be very accurate. Expect milliseconds in particular to be useless.

: Hex digit CRC of all preceding ASCII chars. Not listed in this example.

\n: Termination character.







1: Version 1 of command protocol.

: The destination address on the bus. Slaves not matching this will ignore the command.

: Source of the command, used by the MAster to confirm who dispatched the command.

: Hex digit CRC of all preceding ASCII chars. Not listed in this example.

\n: Termination character.




⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️