Atari 2600 - HerbFargus/Portable-Game-Station GitHub Wiki

Atari 2600

The Atari 2600 was a home video game console released by Atari in 1977

Emulators: stella-libretro, Stella, z26


    <fullname>Atari 2600</fullname>
    <extension>.a26 .bin .rom .A26 .BIN .ROM</extension>
    <command>%HOMEPATH%\.emulationstation\systems\retroarch\retroarch.exe -L %HOMEPATH%\.emulationstation\systems\retroarch\cores\stella_libretro.dll "%ROM_RAW%"</command>


Accepted File Extensions: .bin .a26 .rom

Place your Atari 2600 ROMS in



You will configure controls differently depending on which emulator you use:




Default Controls:

P0 Joystick Up: Up, J0/A1/-
P0 Joystick Down: Down, J0/A1/+
P0 Joystick Left: Left, J0/A0/-
P0 Joystick Right: Right, J0/A0/+
P0 Joystick Fire: Space, Lctrl, J0/B0
P0 Booster Top Trigger: 4
P0 Booster Handle Grip: 5

Configuration Menu: TAB

Press Tab to access configuration menu- choose input settings and under the tab Emul. Events you can create custom controller mappings to work for your individual controllers
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