User Manual Plan - HephaestusVision/hephaestus GitHub Wiki


We have 2 main users

  • The user creating the 3d model on the scanner application
    • We are assuming that the person has a moderate degree of computer knowledge
  • The user showing the 3d model through the iOS application
    • This user has the basic knowledge of how to use an iPad device.

What they need

The person creating the 3d model on the scanner application will need

  • Installation guide on how to compile the scanner application on their computer.
    • This guide is located at Installation Guide
    • With the large amount of linked libraries an installation guide will be necessary.
  • Guide to the various features and buttons that are available on the scanner application, and a how to guide on creating a 3d model. - The Scanner application document is located at [User Manual] ( - This is necessary to explain the various buttons and features. - In addition, this documents the amount of degrees the user can rotate the object to allow for successful point cloud integration for successive pictures.

The User showing the 3d model through the iOS application will need

  • Installation guide on how to compile the iOS application on their mac computer.
  • User manual explaining the various features and gestures to access 3d models on the server - Documentation of KiwiViewer commands is found at - Changes to the iOS viewer include changing the default server that the app connects to. - In addition, changes were made to removed some half implemented functionality in the main table view once the user logs into the app.