UBUNTU Network Set up - Henryisgreat/SYS-265-TechJournal GitHub Wiki



Set up a static IP address using Netplan.

First, install netplan sudo apt-get install netplan

in /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml Change the settings to resemble the following: network: ethernets: ens160: dhcp4: false addresses: [IP separated by commas] gateway4: [default gateway] nameservers: addresses: [IP separated by commas] version: 2

Set the hostname hostnamectl set-hostname [hostname]

Join Ubuntu to domain

sudo apt-get install ntpdate sudo ntpdate -q your_domain_name sudo ntpdate your_domain_name

To fully add Ubuntu to the domain use sudo apt-get install samba krb5-config krb5-user winbind libpam-winbind libnss-winbind

FOLATER ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "username" https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-ssh-keys-on-ubuntu-1604

In controller, create the directory /home/deployer/ansible and in inventory.txt you can have your servers that you wish to communicate with in the format shown below

ansible1-henry [webmin] ansible2-henry

to create playbook, create a .yml file in the /roles directory with

Ansible will request a sudo password, to bypass this add -k -K to the end of the ansible-playbook command and it will prompt a playbook