Team Members - HenryGuo2003/SeeFood GitHub Wiki

SeeFood Team Members

Kathryn Kingsley: Junior Software Engineering student at the University of Texas at Dallas. Previous experience using REST API, creating GUIs, and knowledge of Java and C programming languages

Hung-Jui Guo: Ph.D. Computer Science student at the University of Texas at Dallas. Previous research experience was about Computer Vision and Machine Learning. Developing with C, Python (with Keras and Tensorflow), Java and Matlab.
Here is my Linkin page:

Kwonyoung Lee: Junior Computer Science student at the University of Texas at Dallas. Knowledge of Java, C, and C++ programming languages

James Dao: Junior Computer Science student at The University of Texas at Dallas. Knowledge of Java and C++ programming languages with previous experience creating GUIs. Previous relevant courses include Computer Architecture, Algorithms & Datastructures II, and Discrete Mathematics II. LinkedIn page:

Brendan Frost: Junior Software Engineering student at the University of Texas at Dallas. Knowledge of Java, C, C#, and C++ programming languages.

Faris Nasoetion Junior Computer Science student at the University of Texas at Dallas. Knowledge of Java, C, and C++ programming languages.

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