Usage with Docker - HenryGP/om_ansible GitHub Wiki

Table of contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Usage with Docker
  3. Access to UIs


  1. Install Docker Compose
  2. (still untested!) If you are using a Mac M1 set the following environment variable in your ~/.profile file and logout/login your user to apply the change:
    export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64  
  3. Set "deprecatedCgroupv1": true in "~/Library/Group Containers/". The change will applied when docker desktop image is restarted.
  4. IMPORTANT! Start the Docker UI and raise the memory limit to at least 8GB. This will avoid any issues with the Ops Manager server particularly.
    • Click on the Docker icon at the topbar and select Preferences:

    • Select 'Advanced' and increase the memory limit to at least 8GB.

  • Click on 'Apply and restart'

Usage with Docker

  1. Navigate to the directory used for om_ansible, in this case ~/om_ansible:
    cd ~/om_ansible
  2. Choose the Ops Manager version to install, the Global Owner name and password and if you want to enable HTTPS:
    vim vars/om-install-vars.yaml
  3. Build the images for creating the infrastructure:
    docker-compose build
  4. Create the containers:
    docker-compose up -d
  5. Provision containers by executing general Ansible task:
    docker-compose exec provisioner ansible-playbook /root/om_ansible.yaml
  6. Check the container names by executing docker ps
  7. ssh into an specific container:
    docker-compose exec <container_name> bash
  8. Pause/resume environment:
    docker-compose [pause|unpause]
  9. Destroy the containers:
    docker-compose down

Access to UIs