Creating a scatterplot (Single Double Series Graph) - Henry-Posada/s-pgraphmaker GitHub Wiki

Starting the program

Once you have the program downloaded and all the necessary files on your machine, all you need to do to start the program is to run the file. Once that is done you should be greeted with this screen.

Loading Data

To load some data for your graphs, go to the toolbar at the top of the program, select "File" then "Open". That will open your file explorer and from there you can choose what .csv file you want to load into the program.

Opening the graphing menu

So just like earlier, go to the toolbar at the top of program, select "Graphs" then "Scatterplot".

That will open a new window just like this one.

Note that your Series X and Series Y boxes will look different than mine, that's normal we are using different data so the defaults are different.

Creating the graph

There's a whole lot on this screen now but lets just worry about the Series X and Y drop downs at the bottom, these will allow us to select what columns we want to use for our scatterplot. My data set is about Cars so I'll chose year by how miles the car has.

So you might notice that the graph doesn't have a name and the X and Y axis' are not titled. We can fix that. In the same screen the first row of text boxes is where that will take place. I'll give my axis' and graph a title so you can see.

We can also mess with the scaling of the X and Y axis.

See how some of the points are missing when I change the scale of the X axis, keep that in mind when you are working on your own. They haven't gone anywhere they are just hidden do to the scale.

Saving your graph

You might've noticed at the very bottom of this window we have a "Save Graph As Image" button, that does exactly what you think. Click it and it opens your file explorer and you can choose where to save this graph and what to name it.