Tasks - HendriXML/KiCad-BOM-reporter GitHub Wiki

Utility tasks

Before running the script that changes/adds many things in the database, one might check "Simulation mode" first. In this mode changes will only be reported, but not really changed in the database.

Determine optimal available combinations for replacement value

Takes a Value (Ω,F,H) out of section [ElectronicsTasks.CombinationTarget] and simulates many different combinations and configurations to get a best match to this value.

Report available materials

Show how the PartKeepr data is interpreted.

Report PartKeepr storage locations

Shows storage locations whom ID can be set to ID under the [Database.References.UnmatchedComponentsStorageID] section. A storage location is needed when creating new parts. It is advisable to have a storage location "New parts" just for this purpose. Tasks that will need such an ID are: CreateUnmatchedParts, ChangeProjectParts.

Report PartKeepr projects

Shows projects whom ID can be set to ID under the [Database.References.ExportProjectID] section. A project is needed when adding a project part. Tasks that will need such an ID are: ChangeProjectParts.

Add unmatched materials to Partkeeper categories

Creates parts of the schema component listing that don't exist in PartKeepr yet. First the best category is determined. This is the category with the most matching parameters. ComponentKind matching is the only must, and it won't match a category with contradicting parameter values, eventhough "overriding" those could be possible. Then a part is created in this category, with all the missing part parameters. Values that are inherited from the category won't be "duplicated".

Add requested materials to a PartKeepr project

Adds or removes part to or from the project. New parts can be created when needed, just like with the action CreateUnmatchedParts.

Update available material names in PartKeepr

Allows you to normalize part names. Values can be formatted in various ways. Even with different prefix symbols characters, the like for micro, (u, μ and µ (looks the same but has a different character code)) are supported when reading values. In the script those are decoded and reformatted in a uniform way. With this action one can write this new value back. The task is checked by default if there are no differences.

Update available material descriptions in PartKeepr

The script is in most situations able to make very nice new descriptions with accumulated parameter values (also those that are inherited). This can be a real time saver, just check the parts that need a new description.