AnalyzeCode - Helmut-Ortmann/EnterpriseArchitect_hoTools GitHub Wiki
Port Show and Hide
You want to show or hide:
- Ports
- Ports with Required or Provided Interface
- Select Classifier(es) with Ports, Parameters or Pins
- Code, Hide all Ports or Show all Ports
- hoReverse generates Ports with or wíthout Provided / Required Interface
- Create Activity from Operation
- Home
- Generate Include
- Generate Function
- Insert Activity Composition
- Generate Attributes
- Insert Code
- Insert Final
- Insert Merge
- Insert [no] Merge
- Hide / Show Port
- hoTools
- Pattern
- Read Text from Node
- S Separate from selected
- SA Separate All /context Node
- Tips
- Update Activity from Operation
- Write [] Guard
- Write [N] Guard
- Write [Y] Guard
- Write Text to Node