How To: Modifying Existing Star System Map, Orbital View and Missions - HelmMemoryCore/Mechwarrior-4-ModdingTools GitHub Wiki
If you are wanting to modify the vanilla Mechwarrior 4 Mercenaries experience, it's actually not too difficult to do so. It's going to require a bit of running around the props.mw4 and texture.mw4 files.
Recommended Software Needed:
- MW4eXtractor.exe
- Required for extracting the raw contents of props.mw4 and texture.mw4.
- Found in this Repository, can pull it down either using git or Downloading as a Zip File.
- Visual Studio Code
- Used for looking at Script files.
- Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition or latest version / edition
- Used for looking at and modifying the strings in your base Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries install at "..\Mechwarrior4_Mercenaries\ScriptStrings_MERCS.dll"
- Super Hex Editor
- Not required, but helpful for looking at the Hexidecimal files
Important Files / Scripts
- props.mw4\13633_starsystem.script
- Star System - Script
- props.mw4\13570_campaignscreen.script
- Orbital View - Script
Need to write up
if ( equal$( szMsnBtn_Title, "Halloran V - Escort" ) )
oMissionButton[i].szExtText = "Halloran V - Tech Convoy"
oMissionButton[i].szExtText = szMsnBtn_Title
Star System Map Changes
Orbital View Changes
If you go to props.mw4\missions and open up a mission (like eaton01_mercalley\eaton01_mercalley.instance{campaigninterfaceplug}campaigns\8788_klhndcampaign) using Super Hex Editor you will see a hexidecimal file like this:
Notice the strings that you see in plain-text:
- CL_Eaton_01.tga
- MB_eaton_01.tga
- CM_eaton_MM_01.tga
- Content\Audio\VO\Eaton\MI1\PostMission_Cas.wav
- Content\Audio|VO\Eaton\MI1\PreMission_Cas.wav
The Wav files refer to the Pre-Mission and Post-Mission briefing Castle gives you.
If you go to "...props.mw4\mercsshellscripts\graphics", that is where you will find the .tga files referenced in this hexadecimal file.
CL_Eaton_01.tga refers to the yellow line that points to the location on the planet that you will be dropping to (not super important).
MB_Eaton_01.tga refers to the clickable Mission Circle Icon with a small preview of the map you will be dropping on:
The last one is found in "..\textures.mw4\textures\hud"
CM_eaton_mm_01.tga is the clean Mission Briefing map right before you launch the mission
Not sure if this is relevant, but I checked a couple of these files, and the fourth hexadecimal from the right are basically the same for all of these files.
- CL_Eaton_01.tga and MB_eaton_01.tga both have 0F as the hexadecimal
- CM_eaton_MM_01.tga both have 12 as the hexadecimal
- PostMission_Cas.wav has 2E
- PreMission_Cas.wav has 2D
Orbital View Changes - Summary
- If we change MB_Eaton_01.tga or another .tga file equivalent, this means we can swap out the preview Orbital View image before we get into the Mission Briefing screen.
- The CL_Eaton_01.tga or another .tga file equivalent are basically not relevant for changes. They are completely optional.
Mission Changes
Under Construction.