How to make your own module - Hellowlol/HTPC-Manager GitHub Wiki

This intended to be a quick guide on how to make your own module. Its a work in process.

Make a new file in your favorite editor and paste this in

# Is a comment in python. Thus you can write what ever you want on that line

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import htpc  # always imported as db access is here and other stuff
import cherrypy  # webserver/framework
import logging
from cherrypy.lib.auth2 import require  # decorator protecting htpc manager
from htpc.helpers import serve_template, fix_basepath, striphttp  # helper functions
import requests  # If you need to get something from the interwebz

# Replace Mynewmodule with your modulename

class Mynewmodule(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('modules.mynewmodule')
            # Name is used for the settings list
            'name': 'Mynewmodule',
            # Adds a button next to save/cancel, if that one is pressed is calls function
            'test': htpc.WEBDIR + "mynewmodule/test",
            # is used for the menu bar
            'id': 'mynewmodule',

            ### Some field explainations ###
            #type: referes to html input type ex text, option, password or bool (True/False)
            #label: The "name" that you see to the left of input field
            #name: is the key that the db use to find stuff.
            #desc: Add a description about that option
            #fbutton: Adds a button(link) next to the input example xxx

            'fields': [
                {'type': 'bool', 'label': 'Enable', 'name': 'mynewmodule_enable'},
                {'type': 'text', 'label': 'Menu name', 'name': 'mynewmodule_name'},
                {'type': 'text', 'label': 'Host', 'name': 'mynewmodule_host'},
                {'type': 'text', 'label': 'port', 'name': 'mynewmodule_port'},
                {'type': 'text', 'label': 'Apikey', 'name': 'mynewmodule_apikey'},
                {'type': 'bool', 'label': 'Use SSL', 'name': 'mynewmodule_ssl'}

In, find the function load_module, after the last line of the function add:

from modules.mynewmodule import Mynewmodule
htpc.ROOT.mynewmodule = Mynewmodule()

Great! You have just made a settings page to your module! Lets check it out.

It should look something like this: Settings page

Next step is to make the module page "work". Add this two line below the rest of you code in Remember the indents!

@cherrypy.expose()  # exposes the module to the handler. (So /mynewmodule return something)
@require()  # Adds user control so this is protected
def index(self):
    return "HELLO! :)"

It should look like this: Module Thats isnt very pretty

Lets make it look like HTPC-Manager! Open a new tab in your editor, paste the code below. Save it as mynewmodule.html and while you at it in /interfaces/default/html folder, make a empty js and css file in the js and css folder. Use the same name, just remember to replace the extention

    <%inherit file="base.html"/>
    <% settings = self.attr.settings %>
    <div class="container">
        <div class="content maincontent">
            <h1 class="page-header page-title">
            <!-- The line below grabs the value of mynewmodule_host from the db and sets it as href "Awesome" will be use if that value does not exist
            <a href="http://${settings.get('mynewmodule_host')}" target="_blank">${settings.get('mynewmodule_name', 'Awesome')}</a>

In, we need to replace the last line in the index function with this:

   # Fetches the html page your created in /interfaces/default/html, the js file in /interface/default/js and css in /interface/default/css (more on that later)
   return serve_template('mynewmodule.html', scriptname='mynewmodule')

Does it look like this? If not make sure you have pasted it correctly. (Your code code should look like this: link to gist/commit)

Usually the module fetch something from a web service. So let make sure the test function works. Add:

    def test(self):
        # Pressing the test button on the settings page calls this function
        # htpc.settings.get('keyname', 'default_value') is used for database access
        ssl = 's' if htpc.settings.get('mynewmodule_ssl', '') else ''
        url = 'http%s://%s:%s' % (ssl, htpc.settings.get('mynewmodule_host'), htpc.settings.get('mynewmodule_host'))
        result = requests.get(url)
        return result.content

Go to the settings page and enter the host and port. Press the test button, if it was a success it should look like this: test button on settings page

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️