homeassistant Summary 1 (just for iOS) - HelloMorningStar/HomeAssistant GitHub Wiki

1, need two homeassistant servers if you can't access to your https homeassistant server through your ipad

  1. https server is just serive for your location service and use ios homeassistant APP control from outside
  2. usually http server used at home and you can cotrol it through homekit if you are staying outside
  3. two servers can backup for each other(manual backup), and you can try to program new functions in one server can't affect your autohome

2, planning two servers

  1. http server
    sudo gedit configuration.yaml
    open homekit in http server
    - yeelight
#    - xiaomi_gw
#    - homekit
    - homekit
    - xiaomi_gw  
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