auto gpt - HelloMorningStar/Bring-up-two-miao-miao GitHub Wiki

I solved it and found a working solution.

If pyobjc is already installed and you still can't see the AppKit module, there might be an issue with your Python environment or installation. In this case, consider creating a new virtual environment or reinstalling Python to ensure a clean setup.

I have Python 3.11 downloaded and installed from Using the command which python3 will show you where it's installed on your computer.

To create a new virtual environment, run:

/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/bin/python3 -m venv my_new_env
source my_new_env/bin/activate
pip install pyobjc
Then install the packages in the new virtual environment:

pip install -r requirements.txt
Then run it in Speech Mode:

python3 -m autogpt --speak
To get custom ELEVENLABS voices ass these to the .env file and make sure you put the IDs in the right place.

## ELEVENLABS_API_KEY - Eleven Labs API key (Example: my-elevenlabs-api-key)
## ELEVENLABS_VOICE_1_ID - Eleven Labs voice 1 ID (Example: my-voice-id-1)
## ELEVENLABS_VOICE_2_ID - Eleven Labs voice 2 ID (Example: my-voice-id-2)
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️