Other Addons - HelloCrossy/WondersOfTheWorld GitHub Wiki

Alongside Wonders Of The World, there are plenty of other released and upcoming add-ons to check out!

Add-on Name Creator Status Species Added Description
Lil' Critters Mnesikos RELEASED v2 18 This add-on focuses on adding parrot species, as well as enrichment and decor.
Essentials fisk RELEASED v1 20 This add-on focuses on adding small animal species to add more ambiance to your zoos.
Eco Regions Arty UNRELEASED 10 This add-on will bring a strong focus to the fauna of South America, with some features from Northern Africa and Asia alongside! Stay tuned for the next release.
Biological Wonders HelloCrossy67 UNRELEASED -- This add-on is ZAWA's only ocean based add-on! Adding a plethora of aquatic, semi aquatic and avian species! Stay tuned for the next release.