Idea Proposal - Hello-worid123/RPG_Unity_Progress GitHub Wiki

1.What is the name of the app you want to develop? (Tentative name)

Lord way

2.What is the app you want to develop? (Description in less than 250 words)

玩家通过这个游戏,练级打怪升级,最终通向顶峰,这是基本的游戏实现的功能,但我们更希望玩家在其中的游戏过程中,获得感悟,以及在面对生活中的困难时,也能像在游戏中一样,去直面困难,战胜困难,在未来的生活中,改变自己或者,更高层面的来讲,change the world if you can。 。

4.What is/are the problem/s you want to solve?

利用unity 3d来开发一个3d视角的游戏来使玩家获得游戏的快感

5.Who are the users you are targeting?


6.How will this app solve the tackled problem/s? Please provide a vision statement.


7.What are the major features of the app?


8.How is this app unique?

3d视角,第三人称视角。 通过在游戏中的游玩可以获得对人生的感悟。

9.What are the risks associated with the development of this app? Why wouldn’t it be delivered completely, on time and on budget? Identify 4 to 6 risks that are relevant in your case.

开发人员水平还有限,开发时间较长,功能也没有很完善,后期维护困难,如何留住玩家也是一个难题 。

10.What similar apps exist on the market? (at least 5 apps)
