community - HelixNetwork/pendulum GitHub Wiki



Thanks to all the developers, especially the community developers, that have contributed to this project.

This document covers a basic set of guidelines for contributing to the Helix Network and its packages, which are hosted in the HelixNetwork Organization on GitHub. These are mostly guidelines, not fixed rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request. Please be sure to read our code of conduct on:


When contributing to a HelixNetwork repository, please first propose the changes you wish to make via an issue. If there is an existing issue that has been passed by the reviewers and addresses the change, please commit the change to your dedicated branch.

Contribution Example

  1. Open issue, e.g. "Unexpected conversion result (#153)" (note that each issue has an unique id).
  2. Issue has been discussed and specs for implementation have been approved.
  3. Fork dev branch to dev-<feature>.
  4. Implement changes and compile build, then commit to dev-conversion-patch. It may be a good idea to include the issue id, in this case #153 in the commit, e.g. $ git commit -am "Fix conversion (#153)".
  5. Push to dev-<feature> and submit a pull request to dev.
  6. Pull request is reviewed and approved

Branch Policies

dev and master are protected by the following policies:

  • Temporarily repository maintainer has to approve changes
  • At least one reviewer has to approve changes
  • Commits have to be signed (tutorial)
  • Status Checks: Pull Requests have to pass travis integration test
  • Please read the pendulum-1.0-specifications before contributing.
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