Installation and Configuration - HeliumEdu/heliumcli GitHub Wiki


To install the CLI tool for use in your own project, execute pip install heliumcli. The tool is now available by running helium-cli.


The following environment variables can be overriden. Their defaults can be found here.

  • HELIUMCLI_GIT_PROJECT - parent URL of all Git repos
  • HELIUMCLI_PROJECTS - repo name of each Git project (relative to HELIUMCLI_GIT_PROJECT)
  • HELIUMCLI_PROJECTS_RELATIVE_DIR - where all projects will be cloned and stored relative to this tool
  • HELIUMCLI_SERVER_BIN_FILENAME - the relative path of the server executable for each project (if one exists)
  • HELIUMCLI_ANSIBLE_RELATIVE_DIR - where Ansible configurations, used for deployment, live relative to this tool
  • HELIUMCLI_ANSIBLE_COPYRIGHT_NAME_VAR - the name of the Ansible variable that contains copyright information for updating headers
  • HELIUMCLI_HOST_PROVISION_COMMAND - a command (or chain of commands) that will be run immediately after SSHing into every host node—the default is to install Python
  • HELIUMCLI_VERSION_INFO_PROJECT - the project that holds the master version file
  • HELIUMCLI_VERSION_INFO_PATH - the location of the version file, relative to VERSION_INFO_PROJECT

The above configuration will be stored in a file .heliumcli.yml (this can be overridden with HELIUMCLI_CONFIG_PATH). If this file does not already exist in the current directory the helium-cli command is being run, you will be prompted to start a new project and create it.