Server Setup - HeliosOrg/SimpleDataIntegration GitHub Wiki

1) Download and setup the server

  1. Clone onto your server (AWS, Digital Ocean, etc).
  2. Install node.js on your server if you haven't already.
  3. Run npm install . in the SimpleDataIntegrationServer directory.

2) Setup the JSON file

The Simple Data Integration nodes in both the client (UE4) and the server are generated from an input.json file. Note that the input.json file should be the same on the client and the server.

  1. In the input.json file inside the SimpleDataIntegrationServer directory, specify the name (in upper camel case) and type (one of int, bool, FString, or float) of each variable you want to create a simple interface for in UE4. These names will correspond to both your server endpoints as well as the node headers in your Blueprints client.
  2. Add the URL of your own server to the start of input.json. For example, in the sample below, your server URL would replace
  3. IMPORTANT When you set up the plugin in UE4, make sure the input.json file there is the exact same as the one on the server.
\\\ Sample input.json

  "server_url": "",
  "single_instance_variables": [
      "name": "IsLightOn",
      "name": "NumKills",
      "name": "UserName",
      "type": "FString"
      "name": "WinPercentage",
      "type": "float"

3) Setup the database

  1. If you haven't already, install redis by following these instructions or running brew install redis on Mac.
  2. Run redis-server --daemonize yes to start your redis server, which serves as the database.

4) Run the server

  1. Run node createServer.js This creates a corresponding server.js file.
  2. Fire up the server by running node server.js. If you want your server to be persistent, install something like forever by running npm install forever -g and then run the server with forever server.js.

5) Setup the plugin

  1. Follow the plugin setup instructions.