Plugin Usage - HeliosOrg/SimpleDataIntegration GitHub Wiki

Using Simple Data Integration nodes in your UE4 project

Sending and retrieving data to and from an external server that you control is as easy as dragging out the appropriate getter or setter node into Blueprints.

Right-click within a Blueprints Event Graph and type in the name of whatever variable you wish to GET or SET. For example, if you had DecalColor as one of the variables in your input.json file, there are two types of nodes, Get DecalColor and Set DecalColor. Select the appropriate Blueprint nodes and use them to GET and SET your variables!


When you run the project, send flow of execution into the nodes. Then, when the nodes have set or retrieved your variables from the server, flow of execution will emanate from the OnSuccess pin, and for Getter nodes, the output pin will hold the value of the retrieved variable. If there are any problems during the network request, flow of execution will emanate from the OnFail pin and you should see a helpful debug message logged in the console. However, while the node is fetching data from the network, your project doesn't need to stall! Flow of execution will emanate from the regular flow of execution pin as expected of other Blueprint nodes. However, for getter nodes, the output value is not reliable until flow of execution emanates from the OnSuccess pin, and for setter nodes, the variable is not reliably set on the server until flow of execution emanates from the OnSuccess pin.

An example of pulling from the server

Use Event Tick and Delay to poll for data changes from other Internet-connected devices. get_decal

An example of posting to the server

Use keyboard events to set variables in the cloud that will persist between games! set_decal