Welcome Page - HeladodePistacho/OUTZONE GitHub Wiki



Out Zone is a 1990 arcade game by Toaplan and distributed in the US by Romstar.

Out Zone is a run and gun, in which the player controls a soldier who must fight his way through seven increasingly difficult levels. At the end of each level a boss must be defeated before the player can progress any further. Taking place in the year 2097, mankind is invaded by an alien race and it is up to cyborg soldiers controlled by the player to destroy the invasion force.

welcome page photo

Team Members:

Èric Solà Vila: GitHub > HeladodePistacho

José Antonio Prieto: > GitHub: joss13

Ferran Martín Vilà: > GitHub: ferranmartinvila

Sergio Jiménez Herrera: > GitHub: sergiojc1

Víctor Pallàs Herrera: > GitHub: Ma7rixone


1 . General Analysis

2 . Design

3 . UI

4 . Audio

5 . Art