Weakauras and UIs - Hekili/hekili GitHub Wiki
Wrath Classic UIs
- Feral Druid - Stay
- Assassination Rogue - Stay
Retail UIs
- Death Knight
- Sadge
- Demon Hunter
- Havoc DH - Marthix
- Demon Hunter 10.2 - Gagoga
- Druid
- Sadge
- Evoker
- Devastation Evoker - AJ
- Hunter
- BM Hunter - Alarius
- All specs Edit/fork of Adriox - Syrif
- Mage
- Frost Mage - Syrif
- Monk
- Windwalker Monk -Supz
- Paladin
- Retribution Paladin - Alarius
- Priest
- Shadow Priest m+ UI - Syrif
- Rogue
- Assassination Rogue - Wolfgang
- Shaman
- Enhance Shaman - Alarius
- Warrior
- Warrior (all specs) - Empoleon
- Warrior (all specs) - AJ
- Celestial UI (ElvUI) multi-class - Meep
Other Weakauras
- Status / Toggles - Hekili
- Status / Toggles edit - Falaenx
- Hekili Trigger - Crelam
- Hekili Funnel Toggle Display - Emka
- Text to speech meme WA - Eryx
PhantumJak's Visual Styling WA
- Make sure "Show Icons" in the Hekili menu is set to "2"
- Make sure "Alpha" in Hekili is NOT 0%
- Re-size your Hekili Primary display so that it's small enough to hide behind the WeakAura's primary icon. (Move it obviously)
- This WA does NOT support items. Disable all item-related things in Hekili. Spells only.
- (OPTIONAL). To enable keybind text on the primary icon, open WA and navigate to the Primary Icon (There's 2 WAs for the Primary, make sure to do this on both) > Display Tab > Select "Show" on Text 1